Riding with CONFIDENCE!

Give to the bit, soft, in frame and attentive - it's EASY once you know how....

Access for one year - $79 (AUD)

Give to the Bit - Frame, Softness, Round, On the Bit and Attentive

This course will give both you and your horse CONFIDENCE and lead you to successful training and riding in the future.

Give to the bit is the basis of the foundation work - producing soft, round horses that travel in frame and self-carriage.

No more heads in the air, spooking at everything, hollow backed riding horses. Now you can teach this simple and incredibly effective lesson at home with this easy to follow course.

The Give to the Bit course is an online course. While you can certainly make great changes in your horse in a few short hours, I have given you access for an entire year so that you can revisit the material at any stage.

The course consists of: